Thursday, May 23, 2013

The latest...

So I’m saying it again, I know I haven’t written in forever but I hate to say it...There are other things I have to do other than write a blog. Like washing my hair, cleaning Jaggers toys or pureeing his food. Yes you heard correctly, I’m making all his baby food. We gave him his first solids on his 6-month birthday and it was really adorable. Side note- why the f*ck are they called “solids” when its really all pureed foods?!?! Anyway, I am definitely not one to hate on you mamas for buying jarred food but I still feel guilty about not being able to breast feed (yes I’m psycho), So I figured the least I can do is puree away. I never thought I would say this because you can rarely find me in the kitchen but I LOVE making his food. It’s actually very relaxing and it’s kinda fun to come up with creations for him. Shai also thinks I’m supermom for making it, which is very sweet. So far I have gone as basic as butternut squash to spinach & pear and yams & kale (all organic).  I’m sure some of you are gagging but this kid annihilates his bowl of kale..proud mama indeed. He has liked every single food I’ve put in front of him with the acceptation of avocado. He definitely has his father’s appetite and loves to eat!
We are currently doing 2 meals a day and I have a feeling Dr Barry will tell us to take it to 3 meals at our next appointment since he loves it so much. For breakfast he has full fat fage yogurt with baby oatmeal and bananas- he’s so grown up its scaring me!! And for dinner he has some veggie concoction that I make with usually 2 bowls of organic unsweetened applesauce for dessert. I told you- my kid is an animal. I really recommend you moms at least trying to make your babies food. Its not only easy and healthy, I’m pretty sure it’s cheaper. Not the best at math but that’s what I hear on the mean streets of the Upper East Side. My pediatrician also told me that I should give J water out of a straw cup (not a sippy!) at 6 months. He said after a while he will accidently get water up the straw and learn to use it. I’m not sure how but the 2nd time he tried it voila- he got it. He now loooooves drinking water out of the cup and gets so excited every time he does it.
PS- I use the Beaba.
In other Jagger news he has developed a new obsession..swings. I have NEVER seen a kid so happy as when he’s on that thing. I’m starting to think its bringing him back beautiful memories of his lamb swing he loved so much as a newborn. Literally EVERY nanny comes over to watch him swing because he has a smile from ear to ear. I even purchased a swing that goes in the doorway so he can swing all day at home but the poor kid kept knocking his head on the wall #epicfail.  Guess I'll stick to the park on 67th street.
Now it may sound like everything is easy peasy but its definitely not. My little doll is getting teeth and it is NOT fun. So far one bottom one is through and another is slowly rearing its ugly head. For the greater part of the day Jagger is biting down on something. Apparently most babies love those teething toys you freeze but not my Jagger boy. His favorite teething toy is my collarbone and let me tell you, it does not feel good. Those gums are strong! I have tried everything from a frozen washcloth, to baby Orajel and nothing seems to take away the pain when it hits, which by the way is so random-ugh! I know Tylenol is commonly used but I prefer to go the natural route as often as possible. If I don’t use medicine myself that often, I’m certainly not gonna use it on my son unless its REALLY needed. So this brings me to question for all you moms out there. Has ANYONE tried an amber necklace? I know its very hippy dippy but it seems amazing on their websites. According to my trusty Google, amber is a natural analgesic and babies who wear the necklace just feel better. I just need to hear it from a “real mom” if it works so any input is greatly appreciated.
Aside from this teething thing hes just freakin awesome. He has so much personality and is such a fun little boy. Hes sitting up so nicely, minus the few times he fell back and hit his head on the wood floor (oops) and is starting to scoot backwards on his belly. Every month I say to myself “this is the best age” and then somehow it just gets better and better.