Thursday, June 21, 2012


I feel like hitting the 20-week mark is a pivotal time in my pregnancy. I am officially halfway through which is both thrilling and nerve racking at the same time. It’s gone so fast and I know the next week 20 weeks will go by even faster.  We had our 20-week anatomy scan last week at Mt Sinai and it was hands down the best moment in my pregnancy so far. We had an amazing sonographer and she made sure it was an incredible experience for us. As soon as baby bear came to life, we were madly in love. He/she is a real person! We got to see all 10 fingers and toes, its little arms and legs, its perfect little lips and even its little eye sockets.  Halfway through the woman announces were going 3D, I looked at Shai with panic in my eyes as we always said they scared the hell out of it but it was too late, baby was coming at us live. I can honestly say it took my breath away. It was INCREDIBLE!!! What was I so scared of? It was amazing. We got the see every little detail of baby’s face, including its tiny chin, just like its mama and enormous head, just like its daddy. Umm C-Section anyone?!?! Baby even gave us a thumbs up, letting us know he/she is doing just fine squished up in my belly. Seriously, the coolest moment on my life!!

Being 20 weeks has made me look into my pregnancy and really think about all the amazing and not so amazing moments and feelings I’m having. I thought I would make a top 5 best and worst things about being prego.

Top 5 worst things about being pregnant:
1-I have come to realize the majority of NYC men are total douchebags. When you see pregnant woman schlepping an armful of shopping bags and a pocket book that is bigger than her on the subway, offer her your seat!! Or to make matters worse, I would like to know why I am giving my subway seat up for an elderly person and standing the rest of the ride while a pack of 30 something year old men are sitting their lazy asses down. If you are a man reading this I beg you to be a gentleman and give up your seat, us preggies really appreciate it, and I bet the elderly would too!

2-If you are a total stranger, don’t even think about touching my stomach! It is totally inappropriate and makes me severely uncomfortable. If you live in my building, took a yoga class with me or even slept with my husband, rub away. But if you’re my waiter at a restaurant or better yet my doorman, stay the F*#! away please! And yes, both have rubbed this belly of mine…Vomit!

3-Idon’t want your opinion on how I look. This goes back to #2, if you are my friend feel free to tell me how ugly I look or how fat my thighs are but if you are a random woman in my building I don’t wanna hear it. Yes there is a story and here it goes. I’m waiting for the elevator 2 weeks ago and a woman I have said a total of 10 words to in the 5 years I have been in out of this building asked me if I knew what I was having.  When I told her were not finding out she proclaims “ Your DEFINITLY having a boy” I asked why thinking she would say because I look so fabulous (they say you carry nicer with boys, all belly) and she tells me “because you butt got SO much bigger”. I almost launched across the lobby and chocked her. Who says that?!?!??!  I somehow held back my tears till I got to my apartment where Shai thought I was mugged and beaten I was crying so hard. Don’t people remember the lesson we learned in first grade, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it all!!! 

4-Something strange is happening down there and it isn’t fun. The first time this happened was last weekend out east. We are getting ready for bed and I’m in a tank and boy shorts and let out a sneeze…I suddenly feel something wet and realize, I PEED IN MY PANTS!!! What the hell?!?! This has never happened to me before and to say that I was in shock is a total understatement. I look up at Shai with this idiotic smile and he immediately knew what had happened..Either he knows me really well or he saw a huge wet mark in my light grey gap bodies. I knew at that moment I could do one of two things, cry like I always do or laugh about it. I decided to go with the latter of the two because that’s the only way to get through this pregnancy. I not only made the best of this repulsive situation but I went as far marching to my sisters room to show her and her husband what the hell just happened. Since last weekend I have made sure to do my kegels on the regular! According to my dear friend google, that’s the cure J

5-I’m literally expanding in every which direction…and it aint pretty!

Top 5 best things about being pregnant:
1-After I eat a big meal I don’t have to suck in my stomach or worry about how bloated I look. This may seem like a shallow or pathetic reason but being someone who worries about how their body looks all the time, it feels pretty damn good to let it all hang out!

2-I can blame almost anything on my pregnancy. I cant go out to dinner tonight with an annoying couple because I’m just so nauseous and tired or I cant get out of bed shut the lights because I’m FINALLY comfortable or better yet, I forgot to call our health insurance to take care of a $2,000 bill, oopsie. You really get a get out of jail free card for 9 months and I am not held reliable for anything I do or say, which I LOVE!

3-People are just friendlier. When I walk down the street complete strangers smile at me and belly and I think it’s really sweet. When waiting in line at the super market people will ask me when I’m due and how I’m feeling and it actually seems sincere and makes me smile. I also get to cut the line for the restroom, which is amazing because as you see from my previous story, sometimes we have no control over our bladder.

    4-Every night before we go to sleep, Shai rubs my belly and has the cutest little conversations with our baby. He tells it funny things that happened that day, or tells him/her how crazy its mommy is. Regardless of what he has to say, it really makes me melt. I love how connected we already feel to baby and it is seriously the sweetest thing ever. It makes me so excited to see how he will be when the baby actually arrives.

5-At the end of these wild 9 months, I get to live out my dream and become a mommy!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Mind of My Man

Due to the fact that nothing oddly out of the ordinary happened to me this week (shocking I know), I decided to try something a little different for this entry. I have been getting so many emails asking about Shai and his thoughts on the pregnancy and how he’s handling it. All these questions made me realize, this pregnancy isn’t only about me, even though I would like to think it is. He too is going though feelings, emotions, and fears and I thought it would be fun to pick his brain about my pregnancy, life, love and us.

Let begin the interview J

TS: Did you always see yourself as a father or was this something that happened when you met your oh so beautiful wife?

SS: I always envisioned having kids at some point, but I never realized that "some point" was going to be now. Definitely couldn't imagine having kids one with anyone else.

TS: How did you feel when I was going through everything to try get pregnant?

SS: STRESSED! I knew you wanted to get pregnant so badly but knowing the kind of person you are, I knew that you were stressing yourself over something that would eventually happen naturally…Which it did, because I’m always right! It was very challenging to keep you calm and more importantly keep your mind off of it. I guess you you just needed some sun and relaxation in Turks to make it happen.

TS: How did you really feel when the test came back positive?


TS: What’s your favorite part of the pregnancy?

SS: Watching your growing belly grow every week and knowing were getting closer and closer to becoming parents

TS: What’s your least favorite part of it?

SS: That you’re not having any exciting cravings. I always envisioned that I would have to run out at 4am to get you pickles and ice cream from across the city, but you’re boring me in that department.

TS: What are your biggest fears about being a dad?

SS: Having a kid that doesn't appreciate all the love and opportunities we will provide him / her with.

TS: What kind of parents do you think we will be?

SS: Very cool parents. I plan to be strict when need be but want a kid that will come to us for everything

TS: Do you find me more attractive or less attractive preg- BE HONEST!

SS: Is this a trick question???? I find you to be a very beautiful pregnant woman and truly think you are glowing and all but I clearly think every girl is more attractive not pregnant.

(You should all know that I am both hysterical laughing and hysterical crying at the same time from his answer- My husband clearly prefers me without a baby bump!)

TS: Do you have a preference on the baby’s gender?

SS: If it comes out with my size head, then it better be a boy! But otherwise, I really don’t. I obviously just want a healthy baby

And now for some questions that all girls want to know but may not have a guy to ask…

TS: What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

SS: First is their face because in all honesty, if they’re not pretty I wont be looking any further. Next comes the boobies and butt

TS: Ass or tits man?

SS: I don’t discriminate

TS: What do guys really think if a girl bones him the first night?

SS: Not a keeper…Keeps those legs crossed ladies if you’re looking for a long-term play

TS: Are there any rules about contacting a guy after a date?

SS: If the guy took you out for a dinner, which I would never do on a first date, then at least text him to thank him. However, if you have no interest..don’t text at all. Keep it simple.

TS: What do guys look for in a wifey?

SS: That’s a very hard question to answer for the general public as I’ve seen a lot of smart people make some REALLY bad choices. But speaking for myself, I looked for someone who could understand me, someone I love spending time with and someone that would be a great mother to my kids…and yes, I have found that in you.

Our first date at Philippe- March 17, 2007
Our wedding Skylight Soho- August 26 2010

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Whats with all the pimples?!

My entire life I have been told what beautiful skin I have. It was always tan, pimple free and glowing. My skin care regimen consisted of washing my face with water (yes water) and some DDF Ultra Lite Moisture Dew. THAT WAS IT!! About a month ago that all changed. I woke up one morning and I had pimples! Not only did these pimples grace my face, but they got to my chest and back too.  I did what any crazy preggie does and hit the Internet hard seeking out advice and remedies for my new friends. Almost every blog, website and dermatologist said pretty much the same thing-pregnancy acne is hormonal and you cant do jack shit about it. HELL to the NO. I was not about to sit back and let nature and hormones take its toll on my face. I started with my own natural remedies that I believed I would put in a pretty bottle and make millions as the new pregnancy acne cure. These remedies included apple cider vinegar, toothpaste, lemon juice, honey, baking soda…you name it, I tried it with no success.
I started getting so frustrated that I would chase down any pregnant woman I saw and ask them what they did to get beautiful skin but none of them could help me. I finally decided to go and get a facial, my second one in my whole life…like I said, I’ve never had this problem before! After much research I decided to go to Yasmine Djerradine on 60th between Park and Madison (recommended to me by a woman with flawless skin) who insisted I go see Karen. I marched my ass there on a Saturday afternoon with the intention of meeting my family at the park after with my new radiant skin. The first half of the facial was HEAVENLY! A yummy mask here, a deep cleaning lotion there and an amazing shoulder rub. Then it took it a turn for the worse. It was extraction time. This was all new to me and I nearly jumped off the damn table. I felt like she was sticking my face with needles then squeezing every ounce of life out of me. Karen didn’t care that I was screaming and squirming around the table- she was on a mission. After what felt like an eternity of abuse she put some calming mask on and I was free to go. Karen seemed thoroughly satisfied with her job as she held a mirror up to my face for me to check it out.  I took one glance and burst into tears. I looked like I had the shit kicked out of me! What happened to glowing gorgeous skin you’re supposed to have after a facial?!?! I looked worse coming out of it than I did going in. Karen promised me this was normal and in a few days I would look much better.
I paid, put on my enormous sunglasses and sprinted home to make sure no one I knew saw me like this. Screw the park- I was going home to wallow in my misery. Poor Shai came home from golf to me crying on the couch about how ugly I am and how I never wanna leave the house - but he somehow talked me off the ledge yet again. What would I do without him! I went to bed that night and said a little prayer for my skin. When I woke up the next morning I was in shock- my skin looked SO MUCH better!! The swelling had gone down and my enormous gross pimples were now little scabs. I was ecstatic! My savior Karen also told me to start using witch hazel as a toner to keep my face clean and kill all the bad bacteria. It is a miracle in a bottle and I wish I invented it! Looking back I may have been overreacting a bit but there is nothing worse than feeling like an ugly version of yourself. Lesson learned- don’t listen to people when they tell you there is nothing you can do, be proactive and take matters into your own hands. Never take no for answer!