Thursday, July 5, 2012

Umm can you say crazy!

I know a lot of women become crazy when the get pregnant. They get paranoid, emotional and over think every single thing they do.  I'll admit that some days that describes me to a tee, however this describes Shai EVERY day!
When I met him 5 years ago we were in very different places. I was 23 jobless and fresh out of rehab, while he was 30 established and successful. I think from the moment we met he felt a sense that he needed to take care of me and protect me from the big bad streets of Manhattan. Whether it was checking that my handbag was zipped, calls during the day to make sure I’m alive, and making sure I was well fed, Shai always loved a good check in. However, they were few and far between and it was usually me with the non-stop texts. My favorite being, What’s for dinner, which was usually sent at 8am- he always loved those- NOT!
But this all changed in past 23 weeks when baby S set up residence in my tummy.
While I’m very happy to go about my normal life, gyming every day, eating similar to before I was preg and doing all my same errands around the house, Shai is not so comfortable with this. It started right away and has only gotten worse. Here are some of the ways in which my daily life has been affected by my doting, over protective hubby.
First off, I am happy to sit in the sun all day and get my tan on. I made sure to ask my OBGYN if this was ok and she said it was as long as I don’t get over heated. Well I’m not sure what Shai heard when she said that because he gives me body temp checks every 20 minutes when I’m in the sun and if I feel too warm he makes me go inside to cool off or get in the pool. I’m also not allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds or bend down to pick something up off the floor.
I get constant text messages throughout the day reminding me that its “VERY VERY HOT” out and baby and I need to stay hydrated and asking if I’m eating enough to make sure baby is growing. A computer on my lap…how dare I?!? In the back of a cab, a seatbelt must always be worn and I shouldn’t even think about driving alone. Last week I had to pick my sister and nephew up from 84th and 3rd (10 blocks from the garage) and Shai pretended he had to go uptown too and said he would take a ride with me…Paranoid much?!?! His latest revelation is that my underwear is too tight and I am suffocating the baby and he’s sure it will suffer from claustrophobia. You can bet your ass I was sent out to purchase all new undies to accommodate my growing body. My family has now joined the Don’t Let Tali Move bandwagon due to fear that Shai will yell at them. It has turned into a running joke and while we all like to make fun of him for it, I honestly think it is incredibly sweet. He only wants to keep me and baby safe at all times and I know he will make sure to do so for the rest of our lives. I can honestly say I feel like the luckiest girl in the world and feel incredibly blessed to have such a loving caring husband, craziness and all!

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