Friday, May 18, 2012

The Pregger Diaries

For those of you don’t know me, my name is Tali, I’m 28, live in Manhattan, Jewish, a hypochondriac and I have no filter with a lot to say. While some may say this is a disease, I think it’s a blessing as very little ever stays in this head of mine. I will talk to a rock if it will listen and I share everything! Whether it be chatting with my friends or updating my Facebook status- I am an open book. No secrets here! I’m beyond excited to say that 12 weeks ago, my life had been changed forever and I want to share this journey with you.

Let me start by saying I am no pregnancy expert. This is my very first experience with having a living breathing heart-beating baby in my belly!! Before I tell you where I am now, I think you need to know a little about how I got here.

I have ALWAYS wanted a career as a mommy, I love children and I have never had the best work ethic…this has always been my calling. When I met my now husband 5 years ago, I knew I wanted to be his baby mama. We decided 1 year after our wedding I would go off the pill and “let it happen naturally”. I figured if I’m anything like my sister- I could simply think about pregnant and be knocked up the very next day. Not so easy. I went off the pill in July 2011 after a very romantic vacation with my honey to Italy. I had been on the pill since I was 14, at the time I’m 27 (you do the math). After 4 months of amenorrhoea, a term I learned after endless hours of googling, which means NO period, I started to freak out. I’m Jewish and bored- its what I do. I dragged my husband to the gyno who recommended I go see a specialist- THE specialist…great I thought- here goes a long draining year of shots, drugs and tears. After a quick sonogram I was told I have PCOS (polycystic ovaries syndrome) and I would “maybe get my period naturally once a year”.  I left with a prescription for Provera and chlomid…A combination of drugs that would not only bring on my period, but my doctor would then tell me when and how to have sex and poof- I would be pregnant. Sounds great right? WRONG

I left the doctor feeling down and frustrated. I’m only 27, I eat well, I exercise and NO ONE in my family had fertility problems. I began to think it over and realized I need to take the situation into my own hands. I shared this “issue” with my yoga teacher whom I ADORE and she recommended I see Katinka.With a name like that I had loved her already. She sounded so calm and Zen on the phone (the polar opposite of me) and I knew I needed to meet her. I dragged my ass on the subway to long island city the following week.
Well, it was love at first sight. She was kind, caring, not judgmental and so reassuring. We chatted for about an hour about my diet, lifestyle, stress level and sex life. She said I really needed to start eating organic hormone free eggs, meat and milk and try eating all organic fruit. She explained how all the hormones we ingest on a daily basis are really screwing up our bodies and this all made sense. I was also told to stop drinking bottled water because the plastic is literally melting into the water and is so unhealthy. She said to get a BPA free cup (they sell them everywhere) and put filtered water in it myself. She also said I need to chill out with the 5 mile runs and psycho spin classes and do things that relax my body (think long walks and yoga). Next I sat over a pot of special herbs she blended and I literally steamed my nish (aka vagina)- sounds weird but I have to say, it was warm and very relaxing and I rather enjoyed it. She then proceeded to do a Mayan massage, which focused on my belly and ovaries to get the blood flowing. She taught me how to do the massage myself and left with a prescription to do the massage every single day and come back in 1 month. This I could handle.  Fast forward three weeks- Were in Israel over December vacation for my cousins bar mitzvah and I wake up on December 24th and there it was..MY PERIOD!! I was so excited- I jumped up and down with joy and my ever amazing and supportive husband joined in the festivities. My period lasted all of 3 days and I have never been happier to see some blood!

I went back to Katinka mid Jan and she was so happy with my progress- my body reacted so well and I was feeling great. That’s why the next two months really confused me- I was doing my morning belly massages, eating healthy, doing tons of yoga and nothing. Not even a spot of blood. My mood shifted and I felt defeated yet again. Shai (my husband) decided we needed to get away and on February 2nd we went to Turks and Caicos for a long weekend to forget about all the stress and just relax. It was heaven- we sat in the sun all day, had amazing meals and had lots of great sex (thanks to E.L James and her amazing book 50 Shades of Grey.HIGHLY recommended to all!) I was feeling alive, rejuvenated and happy again. We agreed that if I didn’t get another period by April 1, I would give in and take the drugs.  On March 3rd we had my friend from colleges wedding in Florida and I was feeling really off all weekend. Super bloated, dizzy and heartburn like you cannot imagine. I was eating gaviscon like it was my job. We got home Sunday night and I was still feeling like hell. I figured I ate something bad and I would sleep it off. Monday morning came around and it was no better. Shai was home doing work and seeing me moping around the apartment suggested I take a pregnancy test “just to make sure”. I looked in the bathroom drawer and saw one lonely test and figured I would take it just to show him he was wrong…I pee on the stick and within a second a faded + sign pops up…HOLY S*!T. I screamed at the top of lungs for Shai to come see this- I wish I taped his face because it was priceless. We started yelling and jumping and crying. How could this be? I was told I was practically infertile!!! I immediately called my doctor but he was out till Friday- of course! So I called the fertility doctors office to get “emergency blood work” to confirm this. Ten minutes later we are zooming down Park Avenue to his office and before I know it I’m having blood drawn. I brought the test with me to show / ask the nurse what the faded + sign means…she thought I was nut job but I was too excited and proud of my test.  She said the results would be in tomorrow morning- so I did what any normal bratty Jewish girl would do- I started to cry. I need to know NOW!! She must have felt bad for me because she said “if I got a call tonight I know who to thank” Whoever said crying doesn't work is straight up wrong.
We sat by the phone for the next few hours and 6:15pm we got the call…I was PREGNANT!!!!!


  1. Love the blog... Can't wait for the next one!!

  2. Brilliant, well done and funny
