Thursday, November 13, 2014

So this is actually happening...

I know almost all of my recent blogs start with, "sorry I'm such a shitty poster these days but, I'm so busy with Jagger..." and so on and so forth. However, this time my reasoning goes beyond the fact that I have a demanding 2 year old (yes he's 2!!! and I gave him no FB love- bad mommy), that we're renovating a new apartment and I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant. This time it's legit....Liat and I are BEYOND excited to announce we will be opening the Upper  East Side's newest playspace The Playroom NYC!!!!  Ahhhh it feels so good to finally be able to put it out there :)

Before I share what exactly this means I'd like to tell you how this all began. In case you didn't know, between the two of us we have 3 very active boys ranging from 22 months to 4 years old. While we are very lucky we live next door to one another, literally steps away and our kids have each other to play with, we found we were always bored with no where to go and nothing to do. Yes there are classes and some even offer open play, but they almost never work with our kids schedules. The allocated times often conflict with lunch time, nap time or bath time.

We took our desire to find something to do and decided over a year ago that we wanted to make a business out of it. Yes, this has been a year in the making!

We agreed it should be on the UES as it's not only kid central but we would have the luxury of going to work and our kids could come see us anytime. We found the perfect location on a ground floor on 1st avenue between 75&76th and couldn't believe it when we signed the lease. This was really happening!!

Our business model is "All play all day" because we don't want to put time restrictions on when you can play. Maybe you have an hour to kill before your kid's haircut or you don't feel like hosting 5 mommys for a play date at your apartment. Whatever the reason or time, we want you to come play at us!

We will be offering limited memberships, play packs, or you can purchase single visits...whatever works for YOU. We will also have an awesome party room for birthday parties, events and classes. If you would like to be kept up on what's going on please subscribe on our website

We hope you're as excited as we are and would love any feedback or ideas you may have.

Ps- Who the hell ever thought the “Haddad” sisters would actually follow through and do something…certainly not me!!


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